A Simple Key For poceni vedeževanje Unveiled

Ko pomislite na "Božansko" ali "Bog" ali "Veliki duh" ali "Neskončno inteligenco", na kaj pomislite? Ali mislite na ljubezen, sočutje, modrost, navdih in čudeže? Po mojih izkušnjah so vse to značilnosti Božanskega. Bolj ko sem povezan z Božanskim, bolj te lastnosti postajajo del mene in bolj jih doživljam v svojem življenju. Lahko bi rekli, da postane božansko povezan s tem, da postanete »bolj podoben Bogu« v svojem življenju. Precej kul, ja?

Vzpostavitev božanske povezave je nekaj, česar se je mogoče naučiti, vaditi in razvijati. Ker je Božansko dobesedno vir vašega življenja, odkrito povedano, si ne morem zamisliti ničesar pomembnejšega in močnejšega od tega, da se povežete z Bogom.

Tukaj je 10 najboljših razlogov za božansko povezavo. Ti niso v nobeni prioriteti ali vrstnem redu - VSI so neverjetno dragoceni in pomembni. Ugotovil sem, da je njihov relativni pomen običajno odvisen od posebne življenjske izkušnje in situacij, v katerih se človek nahaja.

one) Mir. Ne glede na vse. Ko ste božansko povezani, VESTE, da je vse vedno Okay, ne glede na vse in ne glede na to, kako izgleda.

two) Modro vodenje za življenjske odločitve. Ko ste Divinely Related, imate dostop do najbolj modrega in obveščenega prijatelja, kar je zelo koristno in neverjetno prihrani stres in čas! Prav tako neprecenljivo za tiste "težke trenutke" v življenju.

three) Brezpogojna ljubezen. Nekateri ljudje pravijo, da je v življenju "dobiti ljubezen, ki si jo želiš" (vsaj to si vsi podzavestno poskušajo pridobiti) - "Vse, kar si želim, je biti ljubljen!" Ko ste božansko povezani, ste že dobili vso ljubezen, ki jo želite – neomajno, vedno tam in izjemno zadovoljujočo. Nadomestka ni.

four) Sinhronosti, čudeži in magija. To je eden mojih najljubših. Ko je božansko povezano, vam vesolje vedno »pomežika«. Zgodijo se stvari (daleč zunaj naključja), ki jih sami nikoli ne bi mogli organizirati.

five) Moč. To je nekoliko povezano s številko 4, vendar drugače. Ko ste božansko povezani, lahko zaupate v »moč, ki je večja od vas samih«. To pomeni, da VESTE, da vam ni treba narediti vsega (in nikakor ne morete!). Lahko si "delite breme" in se vse izteče. To ZELO zmanjša stres
6) You might be never ever alone. When Divinely Connected you are usually with quite possibly the most faithful, loving, supportive, inspiring, compassionate existence. The ideal Close friend/spouse/companion!

7) Marvel and awe. When Divinely Linked it is possible to see beyond the flat materials planet in the animating Strength of everything. This is certainly connected to the Einstein quotation "Possibly all the things is actually a miracle, or very little is."

eight) Compassion for Other individuals. When Divinely Connected the thing is the bigger image and know that everyone is doing the best they might, While using the consciousness they've got, Within the instances of their existence. As an alternative to anger, your coronary heart goes out to folks since you realize that when they were being Divinely Linked they wouldn't be carrying out a number of the items they do. (1 definition of "evil" is simply "absence of the Divine.")

9) Gratitude and humility. When Divinely Linked every instant is a present. You might be existing to your undeniable attractiveness of the whole world and impressed and humbled by it all.

ten) No concern of Loss of life. When Divinely Connected you see, experience, and KNOW the infinite, eternal mother nature and reality of daily poceni vedeževanje life. You know there's no death - only transformation and transitions. This supplies a large degree of flexibility to simply Reside!

All of This may be experienced with exercise. Without a follow, without having intentionally and consciously trying to find the Divine, with out actively creating your Link, it'll keep on being a mysterious fantasy, a non-actuality, perhaps even being a "crutch for those that are unable to manage the true earth."

Even so, the more you seem and possess faith, the more the thing is. The more the thing is, the greater you believe. The greater you suspect, the greater you practical experience. And the greater you knowledge, the more you are aware of. You do not "Consider" and "believe that" in God, you recognize God. You will be Divinely Linked!

How will you get extra connected to the Divine? Try this:

Discover your existing link and connection with God/Common Intelligence/Terrific Spirit/Source. How strong Is that this connection? How very clear? How free and empowered do you think you're in that partnership? Is there a chance that you should improve this partnership? Then make you cozy, have a couple of deep breaths, near your eyes, and inquire by yourself "How might I enhance my connection with the Divine?" Then pay attention to what arrives forth. Probably you may begin a meditation practice, or journal, or sit quietly in your garden each morning.

No matter what operates to suit your needs, do it each day and you will be more and more Divinely Connected!

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